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This book is meant to serve as a guide for fourth year medical students who are participating in a Pediatrics Sub-I. It is by no means means to be a thorough learning companion but we hope that it can serve as reference material and a guide to other helpful resources. Third year medical students participating in their Pediatric Clerkships may also find this book helpful. Of note, the book does have some site-specific information for UC Irvine Pediatrics Inpatient Sites.

Download Pediatric Pearls Book

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wee to paediatric pearls! paediatric pearls the paediatric pearls blog including monthly pdfs is here. disclaimer we work very hard to check the evnce for all the topics we write about but like anyone else we can make mistakes and medical evnce is continually updated. i take no responsibility for anycisions you may make by blindly following anything written here.

phillip l. pearl md boston childrens hospital pearl pl. amenable treatable severe pediatric epilepsies. semin pediatr neurol. 2016 05 23215866. view abstract pinto a sahin m pearl pl. epileptogenesis in neurocutaneous disors with focus in sturge weber syndrome. f1000res. 2016 5. view abstract baumer fm peters jm el achkar cm pearl pl.

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