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EM Cases Digest: Vol 1 MSK and Trauma


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The EM Cases Digest Series is an interactive, flexible, and engaging way to enhance learning for Emergency Medicine providers.
These ebook magazines are intended to be an adjunct to the Emergency Medicine Cases podcasts, as well as to existing Emergency Medicine curriculums and resources. For optimal learning, we suggest EM Cases Digest be used in conjunction with the podcasts for spaced, repetitive learning, and as an interactive workbook, whereby you can explore the links, videos, and original resources. This first Volume of the series covers MSK & Trauma.

Download EM Cases Digest: Vol 1 MSK and Trauma Book

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musculoskeletal imaging volume 1 trauma arthritis and this volume meets the needs of radiology resnts to be pt at interpreting musculoskeletal msk imaging studies. it does so by presenting core knowledge and fundamentals that must be learned to accurately and effectively interpret msk studies by the trainee and nonspecialist. the goal is to impart to resnts as well as to resh for practitioners essential facts in a concise and .

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