Free Read [PDF] Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book
Medical-Surgical Nursing - E-Book

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Awarded first place in the 2017 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Medical-Surgical Nursing category. Learn how to become an exceptional caregiver in today’s evolving healthcare environment! Written by a dedicated team of expert authors led by Sharon Lewis, Medical-Surgical Nursing, 10th Edition offers up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical developments in the field. Completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical settings and focuses on key topics such as patient safety, NCLEX exam preparation, evidence-based practice, and teamwork. A variety of helpful boxes and tables make it easy for you to find essential information and the accessible writing style and building-block approach make even the most complex concepts easy to grasp. Best of all — a complete collection of learning and study resources helps you learn more effectively and offers valuable, real-world preparation for clinical practice.
Highly readable format offers you a strong foundation in medical-surgical nursing.Content written and reviewed by leading experts in the field ensures that information is comprehensive, current, and clinically accurate.Informatics boxes discuss how technology is used by nurses and patients in healthcare settings.Expanded coverage of evidence-based practice helps you understand how to apply the latest research to real-life patient care.Expanded Safety Alerts throughout the book highlight patient safety issues and focus on the latest National Patient Safety Goals.UNIQUE! "Levels of Care" approach explains how nursing care varies for different levels of health and illness.Bridge to NCLEX Examination review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce key content while helping you prepare for the NCLEX examination with both standard and alternate item format questions.Unfolding case studies included throughout each assessment chapter help you apply concepts and procedures to real-life patient care. Managing Care of Multiple Patients case studies at the end of each section help you apply your knowledge of various disorders and prioritize and delegate patient care.Separate chapter on genetics focuses on the practical application to nursing care of patients.Genetics in Clinical Practice boxes address key topics such as genetic testing, Alzheimer’s disease, sickle cell disease, and genetics-related ethical issues.Genetic Risk Alerts and Genetic Link headings highlight specific genetic issues related to body system assessments and disorders.
Highly readable format offers you a strong foundation in medical-surgical nursing.Content written and reviewed by leading experts in the field ensures that information is comprehensive, current, and clinically accurate.Informatics boxes discuss how technology is used by nurses and patients in healthcare settings.Expanded coverage of evidence-based practice helps you understand how to apply the latest research to real-life patient care.Expanded Safety Alerts throughout the book highlight patient safety issues and focus on the latest National Patient Safety Goals.UNIQUE! "Levels of Care" approach explains how nursing care varies for different levels of health and illness.Bridge to NCLEX Examination review questions at the end of each chapter reinforce key content while helping you prepare for the NCLEX examination with both standard and alternate item format questions.Unfolding case studies included throughout each assessment chapter help you apply concepts and procedures to real-life patient care. Managing Care of Multiple Patients case studies at the end of each section help you apply your knowledge of various disorders and prioritize and delegate patient care.Separate chapter on genetics focuses on the practical application to nursing care of patients.Genetics in Clinical Practice boxes address key topics such as genetic testing, Alzheimer’s disease, sickle cell disease, and genetics-related ethical issues.Genetic Risk Alerts and Genetic Link headings highlight specific genetic issues related to body system assessments and disorders.
medicalsurgical nursing ebook patientcentered medicalsurgical nursing ebook assessment and management of clinical problems single volume sharon l. lewis. 4.3 out of 5 stars 281. kindle edition. 109.60. medicalsurgical nursing m incredibly easy! incredibly easy! series lww. 4.4 out of 5 stars 157.
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medicalsurgical nursing ebook concepts amp practice the clear concise and cuttingedge medicalsurgical nursing content in medicalsurgical nursing concepts amp practice 2nd edition provs the solid foundation you need to pass the nclex examination and succeed as a new nurse. it builds on the fundamentals of nursing and covers roles settings health care trends all body systems and their disors emergency and disaster management and mental health nursing.
lewiss medicalsurgical nursing ebook assessment and professional amp technical kindle ebooks amazon. lewiss medicalsurgical nursing ebook assessment and management of clinical problems single volume 11th edition kindle edition by mariann m. harding author jeey kwong author dottie roberts author
medicalsurgical nursing ebook ebook by sharon l. lewis read medicalsurgical nursing ebook assessment and management of clinical problems single volume by sharon l. lewis rn phd faan availableom rakuten kobo. awad first place in the 2017 ajn book of the year awards in the medicalsurgical nursing category. learn how to b.
medicalsurgical nursing ebook assessment and written by adicated team of expert authors led by sharon lewis medicalsurgical nursing 8th edition offers uptodate coverage of the latest trends hot topics and clinicalvelopments in the field to help you prov exceptional care in todays fastpaced health care environment. completely revised and updated content explores patient care in various clinical
clinical companion to medicalsurgical nursing ebook clinical companion to medicalsurgical nursing ebook assessment and management of clinical problems kindle edition by lewis sharon l. hagler debra bucher linda heitkemper margaret m. harding mariann m. kwong jeey roberts dottie. professional amp technical kindle ebooks amazon.
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